Sunday, January 10, 2016

September 3, 2015

Because when all you do is think about how terrible things are..

When all you do is wallow in your self fucking pitty and sit there staring at how shitty everything is. 

When you can't find it somewhere in your fucking soul to be thankful for what you've got when you've got it..

That is when you have lost. 

You may have the money, the house, the looks; but what have you inside yourself? What have you in the part that lasts? 

Do you forgive those around you when they hurt you? Because lord knows you have hurt. 

Do you find yourself enjoying the little moments and the stars in the sky? And do you find yourself marveling at how wonderful and how spectacular it is that you are but a spec in this magnificent universe? 

Can you find it somewhere inside yourself to take a fucking step back from all the BS in your life and realize that EVERYONE IS HUMAN? Everyone bleeds red so give everyone the benefit of the doubt. So you have fucked up what mattered to you.. So you will get another chance. 

You are not so far gone that you are eternally fucked. 

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